Payday loans could possibly be more expensive for borrowers that have no other options for accessing credit, say for example a home equity personal credit line or personal loan. Payday loans can have serious consequences for borrowers who are not able to repay the loan, including damaged fico scores, wage garnishment, and even legal action. Payday loans might be more expensive for borrowers who may have a history of bounced checks or other financial problems, as lenders may view them being a higher risk for default. payday loans online Borrowers who will be considering a pay day loan should be mindful of the potential influence on their credit standing and financial well-being, and may only borrow just as much as they can repay. The high interest rates on payday loans can make it a hardship on borrowers to repay the borrowed funds on time and may lead to a cycle of debt. The rates on e-transfer payday loans canada 24/7 loans are generally very high, with APRs (interest rates) including 300% to 500% or more. Some payday lenders could also require borrowers to supply collateral, say for example a car title, to secure the borrowed funds. Borrowers must be cautious of lenders that do not require any documentation or perform any credit rating checks, as these lenders may be engaging in predatory lending practices.